Wednesday, October 14, 2015

JOTA at the VOA Meeting

Our Council VOA meeting is coming up this Sunday, Oct 18th, 2pm at Loud Thunder. We will be introducing our new officers and participating in Jamboree on the Air.

What is JOTA I hear you ask? JOTA is the only World Scout event that happens simultaneously around the world. It a Ham radio event to bring scouts from across the world together. We will have Radios set up at camp with the capability of talking across the country, and possibly around the world depending on conditions. And the best part? You can use em! Also if you're a Boy Scout and working on your Radio Merit Badge you can complete a requirement or two.

For more info about JOTA visit this link then come out to Loud Thunder this Sunday.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Venturing on the Rocks

The VOA is proud to announce our August event! Do you enjoy climbing and being up high? Have you not been climbing on real rock yet? Well then this is just the weekend for you. We are going on a climbing trip up to the Mississippi Palisades for real rock climbing. So clear your calendars for the weekend of August 28-30th and join us! All the details are in THIS flyer.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Road Rally Rescheduled

The new unofficial Illowa Council Road Rally will be happening July 18th, Saturday, at 1pm. We will be meeting at the Loud Thunder Forest Preserve (not camp), At the parking lot on the North side of the dam. See the map below. We won't have an official registration but we do need a head count for food and such. Please respond by email with how many you will bring from your crew. The cost is $5 a person. We will be having cookout type food for dinner. As for activities afterwards your only hint is bring your swimsuits and imagination. The evening closes with an outdoor movie. See you there!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Road Rally Canceled / Postponed :(

Sadly the Road Rally scheduled for tomorrow has been canceled due to low registration. We are hoping to reschedule the event for sometime later in the fall, we'll keep you posted! Again sorry for the late notice.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Crew 212 Goodies

If you aren't aware crew 212 of LeClaire is one of our most active crews in the Council. They've got a lot of cool things coming up! Check it all out.

Downloadable Versions:

Monday, March 23, 2015

Gosh Golly Gee Wiz! It's Ranger Escape 2015

April 10 - 12 at Loud Thunder Scout Reservation.
The Cost is $25, Sign up before its too late! 

The purpose of this weekend is to help Venturers get a jump start on some of the core and elective requirements for the Ranger award. The Ranger award exhibits an increased knowledge of the skills needed and opportunities to experience the outdoors. Another purpose of this weekend is to introduce activities to the Venturing crews and to provide a weekend for the youth to get to know each other and have fun.

More details after the break.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The January Newsletter is Here!

Feast your eyes boys and girls. Link HERE

We gon go Tubing!

For this month’s VOA meeting we are going tubing at Snowstar. We are meeting at Snowstar this Sunday, January 11th, at 2pm. Please bring money for tubing and a warm coat. We will have our formal meeting in the lodge afterwards.