Thursday, March 27, 2014

April Roaming News

Need your monthly fill of exciting Venturing news? Well here ya go! Sea Scout Rendezvous, Ranger Escape, service opportunities, and much much more are inside. The PDF can be found HERE.

Friday, March 21, 2014


The order info is official, they will cost $10 for S-XL, $12 for 2-3X.The due date for orders is March 31st, and they will be delivered at Ranger Escape. HERE is the order form.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Ranger Escape 2014

Ranger escape is Illowa Council's premiere Venturing activity. You will have the chance to work on a variety of Ranger requirements including:

Outdoor living History 
Red Cross Standard First Aid
Land Ethics
and Land Navigation

Date: April 11-13, 2014
Location: Loud Thunder Scout Reservation

Cost is $25.00 per person

Cost includes meals, cracker barrels, all needed materials
Come to have fun and meet other Venturers in the council and limited edition T-shirt

The flyer is HERE, registration info HERE

If you have any questions please contact Ina Pearsall at

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Shoot All the Things! (Field Day)

Do you enjoy shooting but don’t get to do it as often as you’d like? Want to be able shoot more kinds of things? Illowa Council’s Shooting Sports Field Day is for you then!
We will be shooting almost everything that Venturers are allowed to shoot. There will be 22 rifle, there will be shotgun, muzzle loaders, pistols, action paintball, tomahawks, archery, and even slingshots. On top of all that there will be a cope event and lunch provided.
You will be assembled into teams of 12 and the top team will get an award. There will also be top shots ranked for each area.
This event is open to all venturers and scouts 14 and up. It is being held on April 26th at Loud Thunder Scout Reservation. The cost for the event will be $28, which includes all your ammo, lunch, a patch, ear and eye protection, and prizes for the best shots. Sign up now before all the slots are gone.

Register HERE

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Monday, March 10, 2014

Congratulations to Devan Terry

On February 28th, about 175 people gathered for the Illowa Council Recognition Dinner. The highlight of the evening was the presentation of the Venturing Leadership Award and recognition of several Scouters who also serve as Venturing leadership with the Silver Beaver. The VLA is presented to a Venturer who exhibits exceptional service to Venturing in Illowa Council.  This year’s recipient was Devan Terry, who currently serves as the VOA President.

She has served in many leadership positions in her crew and District VOA, served as V. P. of communications for the council VOA before taking her current position.  She is also the past V. P. of Admin. for Central Region Area 3 VOA where she received the Area 3 VLA.
Devan fulfills the commitment to teaching others by being on staff for summer camp at LT, BALOO Cub training, Univ. of Scouting and other council and Area 3 programs. While doing all this, she is a senior at Erie H. S. and takes classes at Blackhawk College preparing for a major in Library Sciences.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

You too can star in an Indiana Jones movie!

The Forest Preserve has purchased a machine that will cut 8ft wide trails through brush and small trees. Now there is no guarantee it'll be as cool as the one from Indiana Jones but there's no way to be sure without showing up to the Sac-Fox trail day. So grab your fedora and come out to Loud Thunder March 29th! Cost is $5, and for that low low price you'll get lunch and a one of a kind patch. Registration info can be found HERE

Monday, March 3, 2014

Council VOA meeting

The March VOA meeting is coming up on the 9th. We will be doing Dutch oven cooking, and talking about all the exciting stuff coming up this spring. We will have more info about Ranger weekend, the Shooting Sport field day, and the Sac-fox trail project. Come out and join us at Loud Thunder 2pm, March 9th in the dining hall.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

March Roaming News

Check out inside for all the cool stuff coming up this spring, and an article about our newest Venturing Leadership Award recipient.