Saturday, December 28, 2013

The January issue is here!

Please check out all the interesting things happening in our council HERE.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Fun in the Snow!

On Sunday, January 12th we will be going tubing at Snowstar for the VOA meeting. The tubing will start at 1pm with the meeting starting at 2:30-3pm. Once we're done tubing we will be having our regular VOA meeting in the lodge at Snowstar.

If you’ve never been to Snowstar it is the premiere skiing and tubing park in the area. The tubing requires no special skills or equipment, just an interest in mass amounts of fun. If we get fifteen people we will get the group rate so make sure to get your crew involved. This a good way to recruit for your crew, if someone is interested in Venturing make sure to invite them and let them see how much fun we have! The cost for the tubing as a group be $18. We need to know by Jan 5 if you are coming! 

Council Venturing Leadership Award

***The nomination deadline has been extended til January 12th***
The purpose of the Council Venturing Leadership Award is to recognize youth for dedicated service on the district or council level.  Recognizing youth for their service works to both recognize youth members already serving as leaders and to motivate others to be servant leaders within the council.  It is presented to Venturers who have made exceptional contributions to Venturing in Illowa Council at the council or district level and who exemplify the Venturing Oath and Code

In order to be eligible to receive this award an individual must meet the following requirements;

  • Venturing Leadership Award candidates must be currently registered as a youth member.
  • They must have held a leadership position or office on the unit, district, council, area, region or national level.
  • And most importantly the candidate must show exceptional dedication and give outstanding leadership and service to Venturers and the Venturing program on the level appropriate to the award presented.

We have been fortunate, in the formative years of Venturing in Illowa Council to have youth that have shown the outstanding leadership and service qualities that make them worthy of such an award.  If you feel you know an individual is deserving of this award, I encourage you to nominate them.

Please fill out this form.

Nominations must be sent to the Illowa Council Scout office, c/o Bob Sutton by 12/13/13 with letters of recommendation included.  If you have questions, please contact Ina Pearsall at

Monday, December 16, 2013

Area 3 Venturing Conference

Have you ever had a question about venturing? Are you in an officer position in your crew, district, or in the council? I recommend that you attend Central Region Area 3’s Venturing Conference in Bloomington, IL. There are classes for those just starting off in venturing, those experienced in venturing, and any level in between. There is something for everyone to learn. The conference is January 10th-11th, and you can find more information here and the registration form here.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Loud Thunder Camp Staff

Looking for something to do over the summer? Enjoy teaching your scout skills?  Like being paid? Want to be part of one of the best camp staffs around?
The Illowa council is looking for camp staffers for the upcoming summer (2014). If you are interested in applying please fill out this application and submit it as soon as possible.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

No December VOA meeting

There is NO meeting December 8th.

The next VOA meeting will be happening on January 12th, we will be tubing at snowstar. If you have any questions about whats going on please refer to the calendar or newsletter.