April 10 - 12 at Loud Thunder Scout Reservation.
The Cost is $25, Sign up before its too late!
The purpose of this weekend is to help Venturers get a jump start on some of the core and elective requirements for the Ranger award. The Ranger award exhibits an increased knowledge of the skills needed and opportunities to experience the outdoors. Another purpose of this weekend is to introduce activities to the Venturing crews and to provide a weekend for the youth to get to know each other and have fun.
More details after the break.
The youth are taking charge of planning the activities for your consideration. Each activity or area of interest will be taught by an adult specializing in the field; assisted by youth as needed. Each crew is encouraged to provide leadership for themselves. Adults will be asked to assist with logistical support. To allow the best use of time, meals will be provided. Activities will be completed about noon on Sunday. Sunday lunch is on your own.
Loud Thunder Scout Reservation will be the site of this fun event, with plenty of space to complete our planned activities. We will be housed in cabins or camp for the overnight as indicated by the weather.
Registration and set up will begin at 6:00 pm. on Friday evening. Due to materials and food availability, pre-registration is required! We are busy planning a fun filled weekend and look forward to you joining us for the adventure. Our hope is to provide an experience that will both promote the Venturing program in Illowa Council, as well as encourage young Venturers. With your support and attendance, we look forward to making this Venturing event a success.
If you have questions, or would like to help, please contact Erika Delp at vpadmin@illowaventuring.org or
Ina Pearsall @ advisor@illowaventuring.org (309)762-4345
The theme this year is POWER RANGERS and the t-shirts are pretty awesome, if that makes you more inclined to come. :)