Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Introducing our newest officers

Erika Delp and Jonathan Crouse will be sharing the role of Illowa Council's VP of Administration.

Jonathan, who will be 16 in August, has been to Philmont with his troop, and he attended Jamboree with the Venturing Contingent. He likes scouting, but it isn’t his whole life. He also spends time making art; writing, drawing, and just making things. Also, Jonathan is a football player, wrestler, he also runs track and is joining a trap team.

Erika, who will be turning 18 in August, has also been to National Jamboree as a Venturer. She is currently the President of Crew 119, and in her free time, she makes cupcakes, art, and plays soccer. Some people would say that her cupcakes are art, and I would agree.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The new T-Shirt of Venturing Propaganda

So this is the design for our new t-shirt. We are making these to promote Venturing in Illowa Council. It will be somewhere below $12 depending on how many we make.

So the question is.....
Would you buy one?

If you are interested please email Ina Pearsall at icgp@prodigy.net. This number is very important to us so we know how many we're looking at ordering.

See below for the shirt style.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The names have been released!

Very exciting news! The names of the new Venturing ranks have been announced. The first award is a joining award where new venturers will learn about the program. Level II will be called the Discovery award, level III Pathfinder, and level IV, the highest award in venturing, will be called the Summit Award.

New uniform pants are in!

The new Venturing Uniform pants that have been promised since August are finally in at the Scout Shop. Have you been frustrated by the "switchback" venturing pants? Then I have good news for you. The scout shop has 32in inseam right now, with un-hemmed ones coming in later. More info can be found HERE.

Here is what the tags say about them:

It is antimicrobial technology
Wrinkle resistant
Sun protection up to UPF 40 Plus
Made out of durable nylon
Pockets have zippers
Waterproof pouch
Color coded zippers for reattaching the bottoms of pants

February minutes

Here are the minutes for the February VOA meeting. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Support our 2013 VLA class

The Council annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner is coming up February 28th. Please be there to support our Venturing Leadership Award recipients.

Registration info can be found HERE