Monday, December 8, 2014

Venturing Leadership Award

Nominations due December 23rd!

The purpose of the Council Venturing Leadership Award is to recognize youth for dedicated service on the district or council level.  Recognizing youth for their service works to both recognize youth members already serving as leaders and to motivate others to be servant leaders within the council.  It is presented to Venturers who have made exceptional contributions to Venturing in Illowa Council at the council or district level and who exemplify the Venturing Oath and Code

In order to be eligible to receive this award an individual must meet the following requirements;

  • Venturing Leadership Award candidates must be currently registered as a member.
  • They must have held a leadership position or office on the unit, district, council, area, region or national level.
  • And most importantly the candidate must show exceptional dedication and give outstanding leadership and service to Venturers and the Venturing program on the level appropriate to the award presented.

We have been fortunate, in the formative years of Venturing in Illowa Council to have youth that have shown the outstanding leadership and service qualities that make them worthy of such an award.  If you feel you know an individual is deserving of this award, I encourage you to nominate them.

Please fill out this form.

Nominations must be sent to the Illowa Council Scout office, c/o Bob Sutton by 12/23/14 with letters of recommendation included.  If you have questions, please contact Ina Pearsall at

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Harken one and all, Medieval VOA meeting this Sunday (9th)

We are having our monthly Council VOA meeting this Sunday, 9th, 2pm at Bethel Wesley UMC, 1201 13th St, Moline, IL.

At this meeting we’re going Medieval.The plans are for sword fights and probably eating with knives. We couldn't quite swing a whole hog roast but the food will be good and tasty and at least slightly medieval. So bring ye Knights and archers, join us!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Introducing our Officers (October Roaming News)

It is a new year for Venturing and so we thought you'd like to know who the officers are, and what they'd like to accomplish this year. Here tis!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Spooky VOA Meeting (Oct 12th)

We will be having our Monthly Council VOA Meeting Sunday October 12th, 2pm, out at Loud Thunder. At this meeting we will be having some really cool stuff (come to find out what), sloppy joe's, so show up hungry (yum!), and we'll even have an actual meeting. On top of that if you'd like to wear your halloween costume we'd love to see it. There may even be an extra point or two involved.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Get signed up now!

The Venturing mobile lock in is only a few days away (August 30th). That means the registration deadline is even nearer (August 23rd). If you don't want to miss out on water skiing (where else can you do that?!), mini golf, bowling, and pizza with some great friends I recommend you sign up now. The flyer / sign up form is attached. Just fill that out THIS FORM or call up the council office to get yourself a spot.

Friday, July 25, 2014

The Last Issue of the Year

In this issue we look back at the year we've had, and thank some of the people involved. Our next issue will be published by the new cabinet.


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July's Roaming News is Here

Its chalk full of so much cool stuff we couldn't fit it all in two pages! Pop open a copy to read about Exploring past (where Venturing came from), the future of Venturing, and a very exciting interview with some VIPs from our Council.

HERE it is.

Monday, June 30, 2014

And the Victors are...... Crew 123

The Road Rally results are in! The victors are Crew 123, Aubrey Reed, Sean Reed, Jen Coe, and Joey McAllister. They had the least time deviation, answered all their questions correctly, and never needed bailed out. This is Crew 123’s second Road Rally win out of the three years the event has happened. Congratulations.

Friday, May 30, 2014

June's Roaming News

Here's June's newsletter. Its stuffed with lots of useful information for recruiting as well as some news on where venturing is at in our Council. Please pass it along to anyone who could be interested. Lets get recruiting!

HERE is the link.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Road Rally Starting Point Announced!

The Road Rally will be starting in front of the Buffalo Bill Cody Museum in LeClaire Iowa.
The start time is still 1pm.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Road Rally! June 28th - Register Now

The Venturing road rally is coming up on June 28th, beginning at 1pm. This year we will be staging the rally in Iowa. The starting point is yet to be determined but we will be ending near Maquoketa. The activities after the rally will be caving at Maquoketa Caves, eating delicious BBQ, and going to see an actual drive in movie.

Registration info can be found HERE
Registration must be in to the council office by June 20th

If you haven't been to a road rally before it is a timed driving event from point to point. Your crew should form teams of up to four people, with one of those being an adult, and at least one being a licensed driver. You will explore the countryside of Iowa looking for your points. Teams gain or lose points by being on time and by answering questions at those points. If you're caught speeding you lose all your points for that stage.

If you can't find enough people to form a team please contact Jon Terry ( or myself and we'll get you set up. We don't want anyone to miss out.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Roaming News for May

Check out this link for the May edition of the Roaming News. Inside you can read about all the fun times that were had at Ranger Escape, find out about a crew's summer plans, get a Venturing recruiting fun fact, and much more.


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Sunday Service

The Quad City Botanical Center is building a children’s garden of a substantial size and the VOA is planning to help. They will also be enlarging the garden train which was Caleb Koch’s Eagle project. This is a great opportunity for us to show the community how great the venturing program is and get some service hours in as well.

We plan to start at 11:00am, Sunday April 13th, at the QC Botanical Center in Rock Island.

For those attending Ranger Escape this will be part of our Sunday activity.
Everyone else is highly encouraged to come as well. We are hoping to pull out a big crowd for this, please feel free to bring anyone along who wants to help.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

April Roaming News

Need your monthly fill of exciting Venturing news? Well here ya go! Sea Scout Rendezvous, Ranger Escape, service opportunities, and much much more are inside. The PDF can be found HERE.

Friday, March 21, 2014


The order info is official, they will cost $10 for S-XL, $12 for 2-3X.The due date for orders is March 31st, and they will be delivered at Ranger Escape. HERE is the order form.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Ranger Escape 2014

Ranger escape is Illowa Council's premiere Venturing activity. You will have the chance to work on a variety of Ranger requirements including:

Outdoor living History 
Red Cross Standard First Aid
Land Ethics
and Land Navigation

Date: April 11-13, 2014
Location: Loud Thunder Scout Reservation

Cost is $25.00 per person

Cost includes meals, cracker barrels, all needed materials
Come to have fun and meet other Venturers in the council and limited edition T-shirt

The flyer is HERE, registration info HERE

If you have any questions please contact Ina Pearsall at

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Shoot All the Things! (Field Day)

Do you enjoy shooting but don’t get to do it as often as you’d like? Want to be able shoot more kinds of things? Illowa Council’s Shooting Sports Field Day is for you then!
We will be shooting almost everything that Venturers are allowed to shoot. There will be 22 rifle, there will be shotgun, muzzle loaders, pistols, action paintball, tomahawks, archery, and even slingshots. On top of all that there will be a cope event and lunch provided.
You will be assembled into teams of 12 and the top team will get an award. There will also be top shots ranked for each area.
This event is open to all venturers and scouts 14 and up. It is being held on April 26th at Loud Thunder Scout Reservation. The cost for the event will be $28, which includes all your ammo, lunch, a patch, ear and eye protection, and prizes for the best shots. Sign up now before all the slots are gone.

Register HERE

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Monday, March 10, 2014

Congratulations to Devan Terry

On February 28th, about 175 people gathered for the Illowa Council Recognition Dinner. The highlight of the evening was the presentation of the Venturing Leadership Award and recognition of several Scouters who also serve as Venturing leadership with the Silver Beaver. The VLA is presented to a Venturer who exhibits exceptional service to Venturing in Illowa Council.  This year’s recipient was Devan Terry, who currently serves as the VOA President.

She has served in many leadership positions in her crew and District VOA, served as V. P. of communications for the council VOA before taking her current position.  She is also the past V. P. of Admin. for Central Region Area 3 VOA where she received the Area 3 VLA.
Devan fulfills the commitment to teaching others by being on staff for summer camp at LT, BALOO Cub training, Univ. of Scouting and other council and Area 3 programs. While doing all this, she is a senior at Erie H. S. and takes classes at Blackhawk College preparing for a major in Library Sciences.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

You too can star in an Indiana Jones movie!

The Forest Preserve has purchased a machine that will cut 8ft wide trails through brush and small trees. Now there is no guarantee it'll be as cool as the one from Indiana Jones but there's no way to be sure without showing up to the Sac-Fox trail day. So grab your fedora and come out to Loud Thunder March 29th! Cost is $5, and for that low low price you'll get lunch and a one of a kind patch. Registration info can be found HERE

Monday, March 3, 2014

Council VOA meeting

The March VOA meeting is coming up on the 9th. We will be doing Dutch oven cooking, and talking about all the exciting stuff coming up this spring. We will have more info about Ranger weekend, the Shooting Sport field day, and the Sac-fox trail project. Come out and join us at Loud Thunder 2pm, March 9th in the dining hall.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

March Roaming News

Check out inside for all the cool stuff coming up this spring, and an article about our newest Venturing Leadership Award recipient.


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Introducing our newest officers

Erika Delp and Jonathan Crouse will be sharing the role of Illowa Council's VP of Administration.

Jonathan, who will be 16 in August, has been to Philmont with his troop, and he attended Jamboree with the Venturing Contingent. He likes scouting, but it isn’t his whole life. He also spends time making art; writing, drawing, and just making things. Also, Jonathan is a football player, wrestler, he also runs track and is joining a trap team.

Erika, who will be turning 18 in August, has also been to National Jamboree as a Venturer. She is currently the President of Crew 119, and in her free time, she makes cupcakes, art, and plays soccer. Some people would say that her cupcakes are art, and I would agree.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The new T-Shirt of Venturing Propaganda

So this is the design for our new t-shirt. We are making these to promote Venturing in Illowa Council. It will be somewhere below $12 depending on how many we make.

So the question is.....
Would you buy one?

If you are interested please email Ina Pearsall at This number is very important to us so we know how many we're looking at ordering.

See below for the shirt style.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The names have been released!

Very exciting news! The names of the new Venturing ranks have been announced. The first award is a joining award where new venturers will learn about the program. Level II will be called the Discovery award, level III Pathfinder, and level IV, the highest award in venturing, will be called the Summit Award.

New uniform pants are in!

The new Venturing Uniform pants that have been promised since August are finally in at the Scout Shop. Have you been frustrated by the "switchback" venturing pants? Then I have good news for you. The scout shop has 32in inseam right now, with un-hemmed ones coming in later. More info can be found HERE.

Here is what the tags say about them:

It is antimicrobial technology
Wrinkle resistant
Sun protection up to UPF 40 Plus
Made out of durable nylon
Pockets have zippers
Waterproof pouch
Color coded zippers for reattaching the bottoms of pants

February minutes

Here are the minutes for the February VOA meeting. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Support our 2013 VLA class

The Council annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner is coming up February 28th. Please be there to support our Venturing Leadership Award recipients.

Registration info can be found HERE

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Roaming News

The February issue is here!
There is news about New Venturing, LNT, and all the fun stuff venturers in Illowa Council have been doing.
The link can be found HERE

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Klondike changes

Due to low registration numbers for Klondike, we have been forced to change our plans. We will now be holding the Klondike as a day activity with only lunch provided. Registration will be from 8:15 to 8:45. Please show up having eaten breakfast.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Northern Lights 2014

Loud Thunder Scout Reservation
February 22 & 23
Registration 8:00 am to 9:00 am

Learn about winter survival and have an opportunity to practice your skills.

Cost is ---$20.00 for the Morning and Overnight sessions    -------     $15.00 for just the Morning session.

Lunch will be provided for all. Dinner and a Breakfast will be provided with the overnight session.

A two-part patch will be available. One for each session attended.

Please come dressed in suitable clothing for the weather conditions. For those staying overnight, be sure to review the equipment list for the items you will need to bring.

Online Registration:

For further information contact:     David Buckley at or the Illowa Scout Service Center @ 563-388-7233

(this event is sponsored by the OA, but you don't need to be an OA member to attend.)

Monday, January 13, 2014

Thousandth view!

We hit our one thousandth view today. It is a proud moment for me, and a big milestone for the website. Thank you all very much.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Klondike Derby

The Illowa council Venturing Klondike derby is coming up. This is one of the premiere events for venturing in our council. There will be challenges like a chili cook off, two man saw, land navigation, and lighting stuff on fire (fire starting)!

The event will start Friday night (Feb 7th) and conclude Saturday evening (Feb 8th).

HERE is the registration information.